Embedded Probabilistic Programming in Rust

Embedded Probabilistic Programming
in Rust

Tobias Hoffmann
Embedded Probabilistic Programming in Rust


  • Human mind creates approximate models of world
    • How? No clue (._.')
  • Science creates more precise approximate models of world
    • How? Math!
  • Models specify structure, with open parameters
  • E.g. Newton's law of gravity
    • Structure:
    • Parameter:
Tobias Hoffmann
Embedded Probabilistic Programming in Rust

Probabilistic Modelling

  • Don't try to model system exactly
  • Treat it as a partially random process
  • E.g. Coin flip
    • Don't try to predict singular throw (physics is hard)
    • Instead describe distribution of many throws
  • Trade predictive power for tractability & generality
  • → Bayesian statistics
Tobias Hoffmann
Embedded Probabilistic Programming in Rust

Probabilistic Programming

  • Usually:
    • Take simple distributions
    • Combine them in some simple way
    • Do efficient inference
    • E.g. Generalized linear models
  • Instead:
    • Take simple distributions
    • Combine them in most general way: Programming
    • Do somewhat less efficient inference
    • Probabilistic Programming
Tobias Hoffmann
Embedded Probabilistic Programming in Rust

Probabilistic Programming (cont.)

  • Take Turing-complete programming language
  • Introduce probabilistic elements:
    • sample: Sample from distribution
    • observe: Observe value from distribution
  • Develop general inference algorithm (the hard part)
  • Generate samples from probabilistic program
Tobias Hoffmann
Embedded Probabilistic Programming in Rust


  • Is the coin we are flipping a fair coin?
  • I.e. What weight explains our observations the best?
fn coin(observations: Vec<bool>) -> f64 {
    let weight = sample!(uniform(0., 1.));
    for o in &observations {
        observe!(bernoulli(weight), o);
  • ⇒ Probabilistic program represents structured space of programs
Tobias Hoffmann
Embedded Probabilistic Programming in Rust


  • We have some probabilistic program
  • How do we draw representative samples?
  • Just run it?
    • Problem: How do we respect observe statements?
  • Solution: Markov Chain Monte Carlo
Tobias Hoffmann
Embedded Probabilistic Programming in Rust

Markov Chain Monte Carlo

  • We want samples from a distribution
  • But we can only calculate it's density
  • First idea: Rejection Sampling
    • Propose random values, accept them with probability
    • Problem: Inefficient
  • Better idea: Markov Chain Monte Carlo
    • Propose random values, but not independently
    • Accept them with just the right probability
    • Prefer high-probability regions in support of
Tobias Hoffmann
Embedded Probabilistic Programming in Rust

Metropolis Hastings

  • Take a simple proposal kernel
  • Start at a random value
  • Repeat:
    • Propose random new value:
    • Make it the next value,
      or don't, randomly
      • acceptance ratio
Tobias Hoffmann
Embedded Probabilistic Programming in Rust

Trace Space

  • We want samples from probabilistic program
  • We can't calculate probability of return values
    • ⇒ We can't apply MCMC directly
  • But we can calculate probability of a trace of
  • Trace ⇔ deterministic instance of
fn flip() -> bool {

fn example10() -> f64 {
    let x = sample!(uniform(0., 10.));
    let y = if sample!(flip()) {
        sample!(normal(0., 1.))
    } else {
        sample!(uniform(-1., 1.))
    x + y
Tobias Hoffmann
Embedded Probabilistic Programming in Rust

MCMC in Trace Space

  • Run to get initial random trace
  • Repeat:
    • Vary slightly to get
    • Run with proposal trace to get probability of it
    • Accept as or don't, randomly
      • Omitting some tricky details here
Tobias Hoffmann
Embedded Probabilistic Programming in Rust

Embedding into Rust

  • Macros!
  • #[prob] translates ordinary function into probabilistic program
    • Fn(Trace) → (Trace, f64, T) for type T of samples
    • Injects tracing scaffolding
  • sample! & observe! read and modify trace
  • Inference just normal higher-order function
  • ⇒ Probabilistic programming in a crate
Tobias Hoffmann
Embedded Probabilistic Programming in Rust


  • Probabilistic programs are computationally general models
  • Explore the trace space of probabilistic programs for inference
  • Embed probabilistic programs with macros
  • Challenge: General efficient inference algorithms
  • Practice: Combine with machine learning methods
  • Slides at: https://github.com/Garbaz/bachelor-thesis
Tobias Hoffmann